Register for Nanny Registration Form Contact Information, Parent #1* First Last Parent #1 Cell*Parent #1 Email* Parent #1 Occupation or N/A if not currently working. We use this data to help match the needs of our clients. For example, nurses and doctors would have different needs then a standard nanny position.Contact Information, Parent #2 First Last Parent #2 CellParent #2 Email* Parent #2 Occupation or N/A if not currently working. We use this data to help match the needs of our clients. For example, nurses and doctors would have different needs then a standard nanny position.Address where the nanny will be working* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Start Date Live in or live out?Live-inLive-outPlease list names of all individuals that live in the home including parents, grandparents, and older children that may not need a nanny but will be popping in or still live at home.*Does anyone in your family smoke?*YesNoThird ChoicePlease list the number of children that your nanny will be looking after?*12345Please list name, age, gender, grade for each child labeling at the front Child #1, ETC.Please list hobbies and activities/interests of each child. Place the child number in the front to match the previous question: Child #1, ETC.Please describe any behavioral issues for each child again using Child #1, ETC. If none, please put N/A*Please describe any health conditions below for any of the children and their name. Also, please include asthma, allergies, etc and any daily medications or inhalors the child takes that the nanny would be responsible for*If no health conditions, put N/APlease list any allergies that your child has (food or anything else)*If no allergies, put N/ADo you have any pets?*yesnoIf yes, please list your pets; If no, put N/A*Will you be providing a car?*YesNoPlease describe the position including nanny responsibilities.*Please describe the characteristics that you want in a nanny*Please choose the salary range. We only refer nannies that are professional and experienced. Our nannies typically start at $20 per hour*$17-20 per hour$20-25 per hour$25-30 per hour$30-40 per hourPlease describe the schedule below:*Be sure to include each day of the week the nanny will work and the hours per day.How did you hear about Dream Sitters?*